Friday, April 2, 2010

The Best and Beautiful Homemade Breakfast Bagel

So since my sister actually tried out the recipe I posted (see the Pizza Chicken post a few weeks back) I thought I should put another one up. Hopefully someone else will try it out.

Also, as I was making this delicious fried-egg creation, my housemate asked me "yoo how do you make that?". Assuming he was referring to the way I got the cheese to melt perfectly in between the fried egg and the slice of ham, I started to explain the technique I have developed. He stopped me short, however, and said "no, like, how do you make the fried eggs, I only know how to make scrambled." O. So I guess this may be more useful than I thought.

Fried Egg Bagel With Ham And Cheese

- Get yourself some tasty bagels. The more like The Great Canadian Bagel they are, the better. Its worth the extra dollar, they have a completely different taste. As E-Gams put it, "Its All In the Bread". I would recommend 'Cheddar and Herb' or 'Everything' bagels; something with a little savoury flavour. This won't work on cinamon raison, chocolate chip, or any sugary bagels. Plain are fine, but won't be quite as good.

(I'm trying to be as thorough as I can here)

- Start heating up a pan at about 6 heat. Put a half-teaspoon of butter on the pan for a little coating and to be able to see when the pan is getting hot.

- Put the bagel in the toaster.

- Once the butter starts to melt, spread it around the pan. Turn the heat up, not more than 7. Crack your egg into the middle of the pan.

- Slice your cheese (heh heh heh). I would recommend real cheese; its healthier and it'll turn out better than processed. You won't have the same gooey consistency as McDic's gets with their Egg McMuffins, but maybe thats a good thing. It'll be more flavorful anyways.

- Get out your blackforest ham. This should be coldcuts, it works surprisingly well. Could also work with bacon or other types of coldcut meats, but for perfection I would go for the coldcut ham. Trust. Put the ham on the pan beside the egg to start heating it up and getting it a little crispy. Flip it every so often.

- Keep an eye on the egg. Its nice if the yolk is just a little bit soft, a dark yellow, when its all done. So once the egg white is solidified and opaque white, you can flip the egg. Perfect time to flip is when it looks white and ready to eat, but there's still a slimy liquid layer on the top. Kinda like at a cheap diner where they didn't finish cooking your sunnyside up. By flipping it you take care of that sliminess. Careful of this flip; its make-or-break time and you don't want to break that yolk. Practice makes perfect.

- Salt and Pepper your egg.

- Put the few slices of cheese you have on the back of the egg SO ITS NOT TOUCHING THE PAN, ONLY THE BACK OF THE EGG. This is a cool trick and makes your clean up way easier. The cheese will begin to melt from the surrounding heat.

- Get to your bagel that probably popped a while ago. Butter it, but not too much, or the entire thing will be too greesy.

- Put the fried ham on top of the cheese and the egg. The layers will then be: pan, egg, cheese, then ham. The ham will cover the cheese that is on the egg. I hope that's clear. Now flip the entire trio so the ham now rests against the pan. The order will now be reversed: pan, ham, cheese, egg. This will allow the cheese to melt to perfection, without getting fried cheese on your pan. Done right, you may get the slightest feeling of how clever you really are.

- After letting the cheese melt for under a minute, put the whole concotion on your bagel, slice in half and your ready to enjoy goodness.

As the Rickard's commercial bartendar may say: Take the best day of your life and put it in your mouth.

Enjoy with orange juice.

-Slice tomato and put it on the bagel. It freshens everthing up when it can feel a little too overwhelming and a little greesy with the melted cheese and fried ham.
- Don't like tomatos? Try dipping in ketchup as you eat. Not for everyone, but can be good.
- Like it hot? put a little hot sauce on the bagel after you've buttered it. Will ceep into your bread and add a little kick. You can also just dip and eat if you like it a little more spicy.
