Thursday, March 4, 2010

Climbing Cotopaxi, 5987m - Ecuador

3 Pictures from climbing Cotopaxi, the iconic snowcapped volcano that overlooks Quito. They have some "world's greatest" statement, like "The world's highest snowcapped volcano" or something - whatever it is, it was the greatest challenge I have ever taken on. We reached the peak after climbing straight up a glacier for 6 1/2 hours; i was shaky, my vision was blurred, i felt sick, I was stumbling, i was turning back, it was horrible. But we made it, we made it, and the sublime feeling was bliss.

A favourite picture of mine. Looking down at the clouds, its as if you are in an airplane looking out at the rolling white fluffy plains stretching out before you. But here in this picture, the plains are obscured by the mountain we are climbing cutting across the foreground; we ended up somehow above the sky but with our feet still on the ground.

This is the shadow of Cotopaxi on top of the cloud cover as the sun rose. That shadow must have stretched for hundreds and hundreds of miles, its peak jus sort of disappearing at the horizon. Not sure if that white dot to the left is the moon...probably a UFO sighting.

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