Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pizza Chicken

Nothing better than pizza chicken.

Pizza chicken originiates from Camp Hermosa, my favourite camp in the world.
I spent a summer working in the kitchen at this camp and made this awesome dish.
So simple to make too!!
Take frozen chicken breast, boneless, skinless, nice and processed, but free range if u hav the monai. Put it in the oven on bake, like 400 ish. Don't even need to defrost it (aha that easy, i no i
Cook it till its done, may take a bit but, hey! watch a tv show or somethin while you're waiting.
Take the chicken out of the oven and off the tray you were using. The tray is gonna be covered in
fat and chicken water, nothing you want to have in you pizza chicken.
Put the chicken on another pan that is lined with tin foil - trust, u don't wanna clean this pan.
Cover the chicken in tomato sauce you have heated in the microwave or the stove. Put on gobs of cheese, soo much cheese as you can.
Throw her back into the oven. only for like 10 minutes on BROIL. only till the cheese gets a lil crispy.
Pull her out, serve with rice and ceaser salad and chocolate milk. Mmmmmm i could eat like 20.

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