Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Creative Monetization Fails Once Again

Thanks to all those who have come to my blog and clicked on my ads to try to make this whole "make some easy money off of your blog" thing work. Unfortunately, the great people over at Google are smarter than you'd think, or at least more snoopy, and have determined that my methods of acheiving clicks have not been legitamate. And so advertisers have been reimbursed their money and I am out $50. O well, it has been fun.

I assume they found me out from my high ratio of clicks to impressions. You see, according to this ratio, I was up over $130 for every 1000 site impressions I got. To put that into context, on the example at the Google Adsense sight, they say it could be around $6. I guess a $124 difference raises an eyebrow here and there.

I'm also thinking it could be more than this ratio. I think they could actually track every click I get. They give you one chance and one chance only to appeal their decision, and one of the questions they ask in this appeal is where you feel that you are getting page impressions from. I guess page impressions from Europe, California, B.C. and Australia looks alot less sketchy than an abnormally strict concentration in only Southern Ontario. Or it could be the fact that I haven't updated my blog in a week and a half; a guy making $50 after only about 8 wall posts must be a pretty well written dude.

I wonder if I'm blacklisted for life or if another computer with a different IP address will get me another account. Or if I use my home address instead of my school address. Or my dad's name on the account. In the end, I sort of feel like Big Brother Google will use their Ministry of Truth to find me out. Gotta keep a look out for those web-telescreen-cams.

So, attempting to make money off of creative writing, or Monetizing it as the Google marketers have so aptly put it, has been unsuccessful once again. I'll still write, its something I've always enjoyed, and if there is a way around the man, you will be sure to know.

(O, and why the crazy pictures? The first one cause its St. Patty's Day, and the rest cause they're sweet. Kudos to the Dali-esque Russian Surrealist artist Vladimir Kush and for posting em)


  1. How are you out $50? I thought it didn't cost anything to set up as an advertiser on google. Or did they assess you a fine of some sort?

  2. Nope, no fine, I just meant that I had gotten $50 worth of clicks and then it all just seemed to evaporate
